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One reason for your Sugar cravings, that you might be unaware of.

You think, that your inability to resist your sugar cravings are solely due to your weak will.

It's partly due to that. But your will, and the way you think is not entirely up to you.

For example, in the case of glucose. There are microbes that thrive on a good supply of glucose. And if you feed them constantly with glucose, (grains and sugary food of various kinds). Those microbes grow in number and influence. They will complain when the supply dries up. This will be in the form of dopamine and serotonin supply to your nervous system, mainly. A very significant amount of serotonin and dopamine in circulation is actually synthesised by your microbiome. Especially serotonin. The levels of both these neurotransmitters will determine your behavior through the reward - pursuit circuits in your limbic system.

A lack of serotonin will make you unhappy, unsatisfied and irritable. A lack of dopamine will make you avoid doing hard things. This is a simplistic explanation, but it works.

When the microbes are unhappy with the lack of glucose/Sugar in your gut, they will complain by cutting off their contribution to neurotransmitter production. Basically go on strike, till the management(You) acquiesce to their demands.

The consumption of glucose/sugar is now, not entirely under your control. The microbes have started to take bigger and bigger influence in the matter. Your health isn't their priority. Just like corrupt union leaders not caring about the long term prospects of a factory.

Candida, which is a fungus, is usually the biggest culprit when it comes to out of control sugar cravings.

So, when you need to get a rampaging labor union back under control, you can either use brute force like police and thugs( antibiotics) . Or you can hire better behaved workers who will improve production and deal with the trouble makers on their own( Probiotics) 

Either way, there's going to be trouble. This is why some people have " detox " reactions with both antibiotics or pro biotics. That initial unpleasant response is unavoidable, and also usually indicates that the fungal overgrowth is significant.

The only choice we have in the matter is, to have that unpleasant reaction all at once, or in a slow and tolerable manner. I prefer the slow and tolerable manner, after having gone through both personally.

I also prefer using Probiotics to antibiotics, when it comes to long term issues. Because the Probiotics can be used over months. Compared to anti biotics which need to be stopped in a few weeks at the max.

And the Probiotic that I've had most success with, in reducing sugar cravings, is kombucha.

In the above video I've talked mainly about how to use kombucha. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions. 

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