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Exercise intervention to control blood sugar


The simplest way to get your blood sugar down.

You need to aim for a total of 12 to 15 thousand steps per day. And you need to make sure to split it up through the day, instead of getting it all in one block. If you track your steps through the day and see what the deficit is, at the end of the day, you can then make it up with a long walk after dinner. This would also help you to wind down and sleep better.

Throughout the day, if you can get some activity in the form of short walks or movement anchored to your meals, you kill two birds with one stone.

10-15 minutes of easy activity after a meal. 

This can be walking or cycling at a sight seeing pace. Without panting or exerting yourself. Heart rate should ideally be under 110-120. It can even be just standing around and looking at the sky. I just don't want you sitting down immediately after your meal. That's all. Outdoor time, after your meal also helps in another way. The infra red radiation from the sun will help your mitochondria spin up more efficiently and burn through more of the fuel that you've consumed. 

10-15 minutes of vigourous activity before every meal.

This intervention is for bonus points.

Example stair climbs( up and down) for 15 minutes. Or a single set of 30-50 bhaithaks. Or 15 minutes of skipping.

It is preferable to use the lower limb musculature for blood glucose and triglyceride control. Mainly because the volume of muscle in play is much larger than the upper limb.


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